We had tried to do some spore printing after reading the Resurrection Fern Blog and it was a big fail, so I had this big mushroom cap and I tore off a piece of it to take a closer picture and set the cap down. When I looked back at the cap, it looked like a cute little hut perfect for a gnome, a snail or maybe a smurf. Of course the wheels started turning and I was sure that the creature that would live in the hut wouldn't be satisfied with a boring abode, so we made a few modifications with the treasures we found on our walks. Here are the different models we came up with (the one above "Helicopter" and it's my favorite):
The Pine Cone
The Conifer
I hope you enjoyed checking out my labor day work! Which one would you live in? Here's a challenge for you. Take found items and make your own little house. Try not to buy anything at all. Then post a link in the comments or send me a picture and the story behind your house (what you used,what inspired it, how you made it, who lives in it, etc.. ) and I'll post it here! happy building!
Here's a little treasury I put together to help inspire your houses!

those would make great squirrel helmets!
Ha! I can totally see that too! I might have to do a little photoshop later :P
You made me laugh out loud, thanks for sharing your fun - I'll bet you laughed a little while making them too!
Anytime Lynn! I will admit there were a few giggles as we labored!
I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful ring and necklace from your giveaway! I blogged about it here if you'd like to read it
Take care,
Wow. Do we think a like. I love making what I call Fairie Cottages or Hobbit Houses. In fact I put one on my blog today for Lucy over at Attic 24.
Aren't these just fun to make and a total mind escape. You simplicity is the best. I tend to get carried away and go on and on..
Can't wait to see what you come up with next
Meli - You're very welcome! Thanks so much for blogging about it!
Garden Bell - I'll have to check your blog! Trust me it took a lot of willpower to keep them simple :)
I just finished my blog and link over to user if that's OK. As you are such a nature inspriation to me.
Blogger: The Garden Bell - Kate - Manage Posts
Have a great weekend. Can't wait to see what you find.
So. Much. Fun!
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