I thought I would share a little sneak peek at some tiny things I'm working on today. They are all tiny pieces that will soon hang from a branch necklace and join my "Out on a Limb" Series. They were all inspired by Spring and obviously by things that may be found hanging from a branch. I hope to have them all in the shop some time next week. I don't tend to have the patience to create a series, so this is a big step for me. I often have grand ideas about expanding a design into a series, but rarely do I follow through, so I'm proud that I continued with this one. I'm having fun thinking of new tiny dangles to add and I'm trying to make sure that each has a special meaning behind it. So stay tuned for the rest of the series to be completed. if you have any suggestions for future additions, please feel free to comment (I've learned to take suggestions after following the advice from my last artist interview...Thanks MIL)
Here's what they looked like before painting:
Here are the current necklaces in the series:
The First Leaf of Spring


Home Sweet Home

The Last Fall Leaf

The Last Acorn

Take some time this week to think about creating a series. Maybe do something like I did where you make a small change to an original design or create different items surrounding a central theme. Link the items through color, imagery or materials used. A series is a great way to learn to expand on an idea and to help you be more disciplined and focused. If yuou have a series, link to it in the comments and let us know what inspired it!
That's too cool!! I love that you followed through on an idea like that, I know how much energy and time that takes. I spend so much time making goods I almost don't have time to develop new works, but that is where the excitement lies. And remember, I don't take ALL the suggestions I get, just the GOOD ones LOL ;-P
Ha! I will definitely be selective with the suggestions, but I'm sure my readers only have good ones :)
I know what you mean about having time for new stuff. I have to make time because I get very bored with production stuff, I try to reward myself with some free creative time once I have completed my production quota!
Those are going to be so cute...what a great series.
These are adorable I saw them on your flickr and wanted to know what they were for, so was pleased to see you'd blogged them. I love the cuurant necklaces in the seris too, especially the little nest one. You are so creativ coming up with all those things that hang from branches.
I mak jewellery too, although very different. I recently completed a 'seris' of ribbon necklaces in different colours which different chains - I did a seris because I liked the idea of giving my customers plenty of choice with their purchase.
Have a fabulous day xx
Love the idea of a series...must work on that. Your new work is terrific.
These are wonderful!
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