Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Be Inspired to Collaborate

If you are feeling less than inspired, a great way to get the creative juices flowing is to collaborate with another person. The process of sharing ideas, techniques and and the process of compromising on the finished product can really improve you as both an artist and a person. Now don't get me wrong, not every collaboration will end in a masterpiece, but sometimes it's just the process we need to go through to get to a new place artistically. I tend to be a bit of a control freak about my art, so it is good for me to allow someone else's perspective in and to give up a bit of that control. I think the process of collaboration is as important as the finished piece. I find that I am able to see things a little differently, as if I took on some of their perspective by collaborating with them.

Here are some fantastic collaborations I found on Etsy. Just click on each picture to be taken directly to the items listing to learn more about the artists and their work ( or just in case you get the urge to make a purchase!):

Take a little time this week and collaborate with someone else. Think about what you would like to get out of the experience before you decide who to collaborate with. Are you looking to improve a technique or learn a new one? stretch your creative muscles or to mentor a young artist? Do you want it to be easy or a challenge? Also think about how you work creatively, the type of medium you use and the time you have available before starting a collaboration. And finally, remember that the process can teach you as much as the finished piece.

Here's a little collaboration I did with Kyle today. I gave up creative control and he painted and I outlined after he was finished. A fun and inspiring collaboration for us both! Here's a great flickr group to see more collaborations and to show off you own: Art Cooperation.

House Collaboration - Crafting 365/Day 99

Artist credits:
Handspun Yarn (Someone Said Party) - &
Dad Zine - & various artists
Fish Photo Album - &
Gust an original wood cut print- &
Collaboration Necklace - &


DivaDea said...

Awesome examples of collaborative efforts. My sister and I have been working together lately - she knits, and I add pc beads. And we brainstorm ideas together, which can have amazing results!

Anonymous said...

this is a wonderful blog post! thanks for choosing my yarn to show off!


DBrownDesigns said...

How lovely of you to feature that necklace by Mandalajewels and IgnisDesigns. I love that necklace!


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