The little sculpture was a Moray Eel (anyone that guessed Eel was included in the drawing!). Check the comments for the some of the other great guesses. Kyle's older brother Trey is extremely fascinated with animals, and he "studies" them daily by reading his animal books and researching them on the internet. Recently Kyle has started to be interested and was looking through one of Trey's books and found the moray eel and decided that he could make one too, so he did! Now that we know what it is, on to the winner.
Drum roll............The winner of the $25 gift certificate to the Block Party Press is Knitsteel!

1. The BEST Flower I have ever received, 2. postcard, 3. 4yo's EtchASketch of Spiderweb, flower, ant butterfly and sun, 4. 9 yos Spare clay rosebud, 5. 9 yo's Waterlilies in Watercolor, 6. My favorite picture by my older son, 7. kid art 4, 8. kid art 6, 9. Pink Flower Guy, 10. Volcano detail - Kyle's flower, 11. Rose, 12. Flower Spy
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
I will post my Be Inspired feature tomorrow, so come on back!
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
Yippee! Thanks to both you and Kyle. That was an awesome eel.
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