Sorry I haven't posted a lot this week, but I have been crazy busy. I am still busy today, but I thought I would sneak in a post about being on
Etsy's front page last night. The gorgeous pod treasury list was created by, a very accomplished treasury curator. I knew the first time I saw the list that it would get to the front page.

It was just beautiful and luckily she featured my blooming pod pendant. I have been on the front page before, and each time it is a thrill and there is a whir of activity in my shop with lots of views, hearts and even some purchases. The great thing about being there last night was that I am closing in on my Etsyversary (1 year on Etsy for you non-Etsians) and I have set a couple goals. I would like to hit 500 sales and 2000 hearts by my Anniversary date Sept 12th. I actually didn't start my shop until September 27th, but it would still be cool to make my goals by the anniversary of the first day I joined Etsy.

Well being on the front page has greatly increased my odds of reaching those goals in time. I am currently at 492 sales and 1976 hearts. So close, I can almost taste it. Hopefully not everyone will be going away for the long weekend, and I will get the sales I need to meet my goal!

I don't know if you knew, but pods are really big on Etsy. I don't know if their organic feel, their coloring, their shape or the possibility that lies within them, but they are extremely appealing, especially to artists (and me). I have created quite a few pod pieces and really want to do some more. I am actually carving a large one now that will eventually become a necklace and I have a sketch of an ACEO that I would like to create featuring some pods. So take a little time to enjoy this
treasury list and explore pods and see where they take you!

Have a great long weekend!
It was definitely a beautiful treasury, and your piece was wonderful in it! Again you have inspired me. I have been working on a pod piece that I put down for a while. I think I'll try it again.
Thanks Marcia! I am glad you were inspired by this quick post! I can't wait to see the finished piece. I'd love to feature it when your done!
Congratulations for getting on the front page :)
you make it to the front page often. You're very talented, Congratulations!
You deserve front page attention. Your pieces are wonderful!
Lovely entry on pods. They are such intriguing little things, aren't they? Hope you hit your etsy-versary goals!
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