Here is part 2 (of 3) of what caught my eye at the county fair. This post is dedicated to the many animals we saw. Farm animals aren't exotic or what would normally be considered exciting, but they do offer some great inspiration and they are really cute.

So many cute rabbits! Big and small, tall ears, short ears, floppy ears and in every imaginable color. I seriously could have done an entire post on just rabbits, but I will give the other animals some blog time too, so here are just 2 of the cuties we saw.
Next were the roosters. There was a whole room of them, and the were not quiet as they were all trying to outdo each other . My son said, "They really do say Cock-a-doodle-doo". The inspirational words that came to mind were: proud, aggressive, fearless, handsome.

My favorite animal we saw was this lovely pig. I looked down on him and he just looked up ar me and seemed to pose for the picture. he made me want one of my won like I did as a child after reading "Charlotte's Web". I do believe this was "Terrific Pig"and at least as terrific as Wilbur.

Here is a scene that would make you question becoming a mother. These piglets meant business and were not gentle in their pursuit of sustenance.

No trip to the fair would be complete without seeing the cows. I believe these were beef cows, and they were huge. They look much smaller when you see them in a field off the side of the road.

Here were some of the cuties we saw in the Petting Barn:

Hopefully you'll find a little inspiration in these sweet farm animals.