Early this year I joined the "Baltimore Etsy Street Team" (BEST) which is a group of artists in the Baltimore Area region. Look out for more info, projects and events from this group. We have a great blog going with great info about events and art happenings in the Baltimore area.

I started a new 365 group on Flickr featuring Macro shots (my latest obsession) called Macro 365: A Closer Look. Myself and those participating will be taking at least 1 macro shot a day for 365 days. Sounds difficult, but it really isn't if you carry your camera with you wherever you go and keep your eyes open for interesting things to take a "closer look" at! Don't be afraid to join the group. I am not a task master, so if you miss a few days so what, just pick up where you left off. If you are too busy to join, just come and check out the amazing creative and inspiring shots from our group members. Once I get back to bloggin, I will be featuring shots from this great group! Here's my set of shots :
Here's today's Macro shot (day 94) & my favorite shot (day 35) so far:

Here are some new items I've recently added to the shop:

I've been published in the book "1000 Jewelry inspirations" along with a bunch of other Etsy sellers. I haven't gotten my book yet, so I haven't seen what made the cut, but a little bird told me one of my retro trees is on the back cover.
I have some pieces in the first show of the super cute Fact & Fancy Gallery's "Wet Paint Show" in Brooklyn, New York. They are having a reception on the 21st. If you are in the area make sure to stop by.

This is what's really keeping me busy.... I'll be at the Washington City Paper's "Crafty Bastards Show" on Saturday, June 28, 2008, 10am-5pm at the Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center at 8230 Georgia Ave. (Google Maps) in artist-friendly Silver Spring, MD. Come on by and see my stuff in person. I would love to meet you!

Finally, I am only 4 sales away from hitting 1000!!!! So........I am having a blog exclusive sale! Sales 97 through 1001 will receive 25% off their order & free shipping and # 1000 will receive a free magnet set of their choice (up to a $25 value). Just put blog1000sales in the message to seller and wait for me to send you an invoice before paying. If you forget and pay, I will refund the discounted amount to you! This is only for sales # 997-1001, so when I've hit 1001 it's over. The only place I have posted this exclusive sale is here on my blog (do you feel special?). This discount can not be combined with any other offer.
Well, that's the wrap-up. I'll be back again again in about 2 weeks with some new posts! Happy summer!
Congrats on the book and all the other cool stuff going on in your life! Great success at your upcoming show!!
oh, that group sounds neat!
It's a complete illusion that the summer will be less busy. Summer is packed! I completely understand.
Congrats on the book, they are sending me a copy to review I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your work. I'm hoping some Naughty Secretary Club made the cut as well!
P.S. I blogged about your Honeycomb Necklace today.
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