A few months back I started a Flickr group,
Art Inspiration Revealed, so other artists could share and reveal their inspirations alongside their finished work. Here are a few of the inspirational reveals:

Art reveal:
Photos by 3 dots
"A beautiful slice of red onion inspired me to create these polymer focal pieces with vintage buttons." photo and quote by
"I was struck by the beauty of tiny creatures in the microscopic universe: particles, bacteria, viruses, etc. Each of the five "bulbs" in this necklace are inspired by a handful of these strangely beautiful creatures, in an effort to make this invisible world VISIBLE to the human eye." Photo and quote by
Veru Designs
"Made after a kitchen towel I recieved from my friend, Dalit." Quote & Photo by
Orly Rabinowitz
Photo by
Cynthia Del GiudiceYou can read more about her inspiration on her

Art Reveal:

Photos by
Kirstin Skiles/knitsteellearn more about her inspiration on her
blogThere are a lot more interesting reveals in the
group. Feel free to get in on the fun by joining the group and sharing your inspirations and art! Please make sure to read the rules before joining or posting!