Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Be Inspired by the End of School's Artful Bounty

If you have kids in elementary school, you know that the end of the year means lots and lots of papers and artwork come home as the teachers clean out their classrooms. Since I don't have much time for blogging this week, I thought I'd put my proud parent hat on and show off one of Kyle's art pieces that he brought home. Hopefully Trey will bring some home to for me to share too.

Hands - Kyle age 7

Words this piece brings to mind:
geometric shapes
bright color


Malin de Koning said...

Hi again! Today I will ask my kids. They have a day off school.

I am becomming a follower of you too. Have not yet bought anything from you, but hopefully I will soon. Please check out my blog too.
All my best

Block Party Press said...

Hi Malin! Welcome! I can't wait to see what they make. If you want to, send me a link to the photos, I'll do a post about them! Off to check out your blog!


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