Guess who's back? Yes me from another one of my hiatuses. Artscape and kids kept me busy for a few weeks. Posting will continue to be sporadic until September when I get 7 hours of my day back after the boys go back to school. I have been working on some stuff though so I thought I would do a quick post to share. I'm still opening a 2nd shop (hope to have it all done by Sept. 1) for prints of collages, photography, and other artwork so I have been working on my stock for that shop. I also broke my camera, so I haven't been able to take any good product shots with the cheap pawn shop one I bought as an interim replacement. So unfortunately I have some new jewelry stuff to post, but I just can't get a shot that I feel is up to standard.
To ease my camera frustration, I have been using my pendants and jewelry as inspiration for some new pen and ink drawings. I figure I already have a ton of designs done, so why reinvent the wheel. I'm trying to combine ideas and grow them even more. It's been fun to merge the old with the new. Here's a little collage of my latest drawing that was inspired by a couple pendants and an ACEO:

So take a little time to look back on some older designs and then move forward by creating them in a different medium, combining them into one piece or expanding on them in some way.