I always knew the bears weren't really sleeping. Hibernation print by MyPaperDaydreams.etsy.com

threedogparty.etsy.com has the perfect pro-hibernation letterpress journal for keeping your thoughts and sketches in during your hibernation. Maybe I should start a pro-hibernation movement. I don't anyone would really care if we all took the month of January off to hibernate. Do you?
Here are some inspiring words that come to mind when I think of hibernation: sleep, comfort, rest, rejuvention, cozy. They can all be good starting points for inspiration. Here are some great handmade items that I would want to have on hand while I was hibernating and that could have been inspired by any of my hibernation words:

I would love to have my hot cocoa (not coffee because that would keep me awake) in this great mug by JDWolfePottery.etsy.com . The pink inside would be such a treat to find after all the cocoa was gone.

OK, this Under the Apple Trees Bed by attiladesign.etsy.com has to be THE best place to spend your hibernation. Enough said.

This Luxury Eye Mask by BibBon.etsy.com would be a great way to shut the world out in style.
So take some time to hibernate this week, and I guarantee when you awake you will be full of new ideas.